The modified versions of morphine are known as heroin which is an illegal drug and can be very addictive. People obtain this drug in the form of a white powder from an illicit market. It is generally added with powdered milk, sugar or starches as it is bitter in taste.
Heroin can also be smoked, injected intravenously or snorted and it reacts with the body very quickly. It can not only affect the physical health but can also have severe negative effects on mental health too.
If any of your family members is suspected to be addicted to this drug then you should take him immediately to any . There can be certain irreversible damage if the person continues with the addiction for a long period of time.
Short-term effects of Heroin use
When a person gets addicted to heroin then he gets a very intense pleasurable feeling. Therefore, the person tries to take more in order to get the same pleasure. The short-term effects of heroin may vary depending upon the method of how the person has taken the drug.
However, some of the common pain-relieving effects are as follows:
- There is a very strong increase in feeling of euphoria which is also called “rush”
- Heavy sensation in various extremities
- Drowsiness
- Lethargy
- Sedation
- Reduced pain sensation
- Warm and flushed feeling during the ‘rush” period
Following are various side effects for short-term use of heroin which gets overshadowed over the pleasurable effects during “rush” stage.
- Grogginess
- Nausea and vomiting
- Confusion
- Itchy skin
- Dry mouth
- Light sensitivity
- Constricted or miotic pupils
- Body temperature lower than normal
- Slowed heart rate
- Slowed respiration
- Cyanotic feet, hands and lips etc.
There is a risk of death due to overdose. If the person is also taking any other drugs along with heroin then the consequences can be far more dangerous.
Long-term effects
If people continue to use heroin for a much longer period then the following side effects can be seen
- Excoriated skin from scratching
- Damaged teeth and gum swelling can happen
- Severe constipation
- Weakness and sedation
- Increased chances of immune problems
- Sleeping issues
- Malnutrition and poor appetite
- Decrease in sexual appetite